
Quarantine 2.0

Today marks day 14 of my quarantine 2.0 adventure

I say adventure because it really has been an evolution of some sorts. Between the entire experience in a whole and for me personally.

It really couldn’t have been better timing for what I was finally ready to see.

As the old adage goes “when the student is ready the teacher will arrive

I never thought one of my teacher would one day be on the 28th day of hotel isolation quarantine, but I guess sometimes you need to be by yourself and go through some of the most trying times to finally see what life is trying to teach you.

If you’re ready for it… I mean truly ready, at the edge of that dark unknown jungle you’re questioning whether to step into or notthe below quote will have an ever lasting, life altering meaning to you.

“The snake that cannot shed it’s skin perishes”

I mean holy shit….. This is it… This is everything…..

The athlete transitioning out of their sport suffering mentally or a mere shell of what they used to be…. is simply still holding onto what he/she once was or the Business that is unwilling to move with the times , especially in current circumstances is just counting the days till it’s quickly swallowed up and left behind….. The people who have lost loved ones, jobs, gone through a divorce in essence been completely separated from life as they once knew it.

As confronting & scary as this may be…. You now stand at the very edge of your evolution….

Do you answer the call & step up into the life that’s been awaiting you or do you simply stay on the sidelines and always wonder what if… Remaining the victim of your perceived reality & circumstance.

It’s tough love I know but it’s also the only way, I believe that’s why adversity, challenge and some of the darkest times in our lives actually creates the greatest leverage to make a lasting change. It’s only in these turbulent times questioning how much more we can take that truly breaks us enabling us to finally see how remarkable we truly are.

We finally see we’ve been there all along and can now answer the call.

When I leave here in a couple of hours I’m not only leaving the confinement of the room behind but more importantly the confinement of my previous limiting beliefs & past as well.

There will be no shedded snakeskin for the cleaners to remove but a dragon that’s finally been slayed.



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